Children & Pregnancy

Bring Your Children In For Checkups

Chiropractic care can start from the very beginning. Babies and mothers can benefit when the pregnant mother receives chiropractic care to ease the strain of weight gain and hormonal changes during pregnancy. Studies have shown that mothers who receive chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy reduce their labor time by two hours. Newborn children are not too young for a spinal examination. The birth process, even today’s “natural” childbirth methods, can lead to a newborn’s first subluxation. Preliminary studies suggest that colic, unusual crying, poor appetite, ear infections, or erratic sleeping habits can be signs of spinal distress in newborns. Newborn adjustments offer gentle relief for the child and apply no more pressure than used to test the ripeness of a tomato. This is where Koren Specific Technique and use of the Arthrostim really shines. We can test the child and adjust them almost without them knowing. Since using the Koren Specific Technique, I no longer get any crying from the child from the adjustment. Infants and children are just as susceptible to spinal injury and trauma as adults, perhaps even more so! Learning to crawl, walk, ride a bike, or play sports can produce so-called “growing pains”. Don’t wait until the child exhibits health problems to get them checked out. Ignored, problems can worsen becoming more difficult to correct in adulthood.

Why Do Babies Need Chiropractic Care?

Why, to stay healthy, of course! There are many times in a young life when an infant or child may be more vulnerable to subluxations: pregnancy, birth, when first holding its head up, when beginning to crawl and when learning to walk. Of course then comes childhood with all its opportunities to run, fall, crash, and then get up to do it all over again. Make sure your child has every chance to live a healthy life. Those bumps from falling and crashing their bike from learning to ride, all add up. Watch what happens to their health. Are they complaining more about their stomach hurting? Are they complaining that their head hurts, are they getting more earaches? These are all indications they need to be checked and need an adjustment.

Dr. Mark’s older child was adjusted at two days old. She wouldn’t breastfeed laying on her right side, but lying on her left side she was fine. One adjustment and she could lie on both sides. Think about yourself if you have ever had a sore neck, it was probably harder to lie on one side than the other. Babies and children react in the same way.

We have seen over and over, as we work on a child for one condition, other things also improve. For instance, we had a young man, (about 5 years old) who came in as a referral from his teacher. He had played a lot of sports in his short life and would complain about things hurting. After working on him for a while, he comes in one day and lets me know his MD took him off all asthma medication. His parents were thrilled!

“With the birth process becoming more and more an intervening procedure, the chiropractic adjustment becomes even more important to the child’s future.” – Larry Webster, D.C.

Give your children the best possible chance to have a healthy life. You have your baby’s eyes checked, heart checked, hearing checked – bring all your children in for a chiropractic spinal checkup. A simple checkup now might make a BIG difference for your children for the rest of their lives.

Pregnancy and Chiropractic

We have a number of women who can’t wait to get adjusted while they are pregnant. They know they can have less back pain, less breathing problems just by coming in periodically during the pregnancy. Again this is another area in which Koren Specific Technique shines. We can analyze and adjust with the Arthrostim. No cracking, twisting or popping for those concerned that an adjustment might harm their child; which it doesn’t.  With Arthrostim adjusting there is no reason to be concerned because of its gentleness. A healthier mother means an easier birth and a healthier child.

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