(603) 332-3232
Crosser Chiropractic
60 Rochester Hill Rd, Unit 9
Rochester, NH 03867
It does all three things, it’s just that the way it does these is very different from the typical styles of chiropractic that you may be aware of. The methods KST use are more towards the esoteric or vitalistic end of the spectrum as opposed to the exoteric or mechanistic end. In fact, it utilizes some very cutting edge neurological and physiological discoveries.
There is a phenomenon in neurology known as an ideo-motor response. What this means is that the motor nerve will respond to an idea of an action as though it was the action itself. Motor nerves carry information from the brain to the tissues, etc. For example, if you think about lifting up your arm, all of the motor neurons needed to do that will fire, whether you actually lift your arm or not. This is one of the reasons why athletes can improve their performance by visualizing their actions in advance.
We have learned how to detect the ideo-motor response using a form of muscle testing. We can effectively and accurately detect where your problem starts from, and how and where to work to initiate healing.
A binary bio-indicator is a reaction in a body part that either happens or doesn’t happen (hence the binary); a yes or a no. There are surprisingly many of these in the body. You may have heard about kinesiology or muscle testing. This is a bio-indicator using relevant changes in muscle strength to give a yes or no answer.
We use the bio-indicator to challenge the body and the ‘complaint’ you come in with. If you come in with a headache, for instance, we challenge the body to see if the cause of the headache is the cranial bones, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, or even if there is an emotional cause.
We also determine the specific bone and the specific direction with the bio-indicator challenge. This has made the analysis of the body and correction so much more specific and accurate.